Healthy Eating & Physical Activity Resource Package for VET and Tertiary Providers of Early Childhood Qualifications
The Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Resource Package for VET and Tertiary Providers of Early Childhood Qualifications (2015) resource package has been specifically designed to support Vocational Education and Training (VET) and tertiary providers for use with adult learners studying early childhood education qualifications and highlights the importance of healthy eating and physical activity for young children.
The resource package consists of three sections:

1. Healthy Eating & Physical Activity
This section is centred around the ‘Healthy Eating and Physical Guidelines for Early Childhood Settings (0-5yrs)’ as noted in Get Up & Grow: Healthy Eating and Physical Activity for Early Childhood and aligned to the National Quality Standard and the Early Years Learning Framework.

2. Curriculum Map
This section is mapped for the Australian Government Community Services Training Packages which includes CHC30113 – Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care, CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care and any other relevant tertiary units for NSW universities.